Saving, loading and sharing filters
You can now save your complex filters by using the 'My Filters' feature.
To save a filter, in the 'When analyzing' control simply open the new 'My Filters' panel and click '+'. To load a filter, click on it.
Filters you create are only visible to you unless you choose to share them. Share filters by opening the menu on a filter and clicking 'Share'.
Note: To use the share feature you must have the correct permissions.
Other changes
Added the ability to change the date field used in the time series chart directly on the chart
Added a 'VIEW' toggle when editing results to switch between currently 'SELECTED' results and 'ALL' results.
Patterns displayed in the table will now appear like chips when hovered over
Added icons to patterns right-click menu
Changed the 'Search' in the Network chart to 'Find' to indicate that it works differently to other chart types
Fixed a warning message not always displaying when performing an action that would cause your edit results selection to be lost
Fixed a scenario where the login button would not be clickable when it should be
Fixed the Trends tool's table making unnecessary API calls
Fixed tooltips overlapping in the Explain tab of the preview panel
Fixed an issue where the Download option would appear for a datasets data when the user did not have the required permissions to download data
Fixed chart axis values precision being too specific
Fixed an error when being prompted to refresh your login due to accessing a restricted screen
Fixed Intercom displaying incorrectly
Fixed some issues where the user tried to create a dataset when they had 0 Ipiphany Credits
Coming up...
A powerful new way of performing an analysis
If you have any questions or comments on this release or anything Ipiphany related let us know.