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Step 1: Import your data
Kevin Yang avatar
Written by Kevin Yang
Updated over 3 years ago

To import data into Ipiphany you must create a Dataset.

To start the dataset creation process click the ‘New’ button at the top left of the home screen and select 'Dataset'.

1.1 - Select a data source: Select the source of data that you want to import into Ipiphany

Note - Options other than 'Excel or CSV File' are not available on all accounts. If you would like to enable these options please let us know.

1.2 - Configure data source: Depending on the data source selected different settings are required at this step.

For 'Excel or CSV File':

Drag or browse for an Excel or CSV file to add to the upload area

Note - To import data into Ipiphany your data must be in a specific format. See Preparing your data for details.

For other data sources:

1.3 - Review field types: Check the automatically chosen field names and types are correct. Fields that Ipiphany is uncertain about will be highlighted, display an OK button and be visible in the 'Needs Review' tab. It is advisable to check each of these carefully and press the OK button as you go.

1.4: Choose domain knowledge: This is the information set that will be used to analyze your Verbatim text data. Typically choose the domain knowledge that matches your business sector.

1.5 - Create Dataset: Give your dataset a name, review its summary information and click 'CREATE DATASET' to begin processing. 

Tip: Datasets that contain at least 1 of each field type are best as they enable all the features of Ipiphany.  

1.6 - Wait for processing to complete: This can take some time depending on the size of your data but should typically complete within 15 minutes.

Great, now that is done you are ready to get started discovering insights.
Step 2: Create your first report

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