Search Term Expressions
Kevin Yang avatar
Written by Kevin Yang
Updated over a week ago

Search Term Expressions enable you to create granular filters by combining search terms with boolean and linguistic operators.

For example if you want to match verbatims containing the word 'manage' AND 'payment' you can enter the expression 'manage + payment'.

Where you use them

Search term expressions can be used whereever you can use search terms:

  • Filters

  • RHS Examples Filter

  • Report Categories and Aspects

How to create them

  • Simply click on the search (magnifying glass) icon and enter a search term expression

  • Once you hit Enter (or click + in some cases) a purple filter chip will be created

  • Once created you can remove this chip or drag it to other controls e.g. Filter or Analysis Category

Search Term Operator Syntax

Search Expressions can include the following operators:

Basic Terms





To match a word enter the word in lowercase.

Note that:

  • A word will match different forms of the same word
    e.g. 'payment' matches 'payment' or 'payments'

  • If you enter two or more words 'a b' it will treat this as meaning a OR b

Example: payment

Matches 'payment' or 'payments'

Example: payment screen

Matches 'payment screen' or 'payments screen' etc




Basic Phrase

To match a multiword phrase enter the phrase inside double quotes

Example: "payment screen"

Matches all occurrences of the word 'payment' followed by 'screen' e.g. 'payments screen', 'payment screens' etc

Near Phrase Modifer

If you add ~n (for any number greater than zero), then it will match even if there are n other words inbetween your phrase words.

Example: "payment screen"~1

Matches 'payments entry screen', 'payment or screens' etc

Combining Multiple Terms

You can combine multiple terms using brackets and the OR, AND and NOT operators



If you require two or more terms or expressions to ALL match, then put the + operator between the terms

Example: payment + screen

Matches any text that contains BOTH 'payment' and 'screen'

So this would match a sentence such as 'I like payments but hate the statements screen'



If you require AT LEAST ONE of the terms to match, use the | operator between the terms

Example: payment | screen

Note: This is the default operator for multiple terms. So if you specify more than one term and do not specify a + or a | between the terms - then OR will be assumed.



If you want to EXCLUDE matches where the text contains specific exclusion terms, then use the - directly before the term.

Example: -payment

Matches only text that does NOT contain the word payment


if you are using the NOT operator you likely intend to match something like: A AND NOT B

So you need to define this as: A + -B

If you leave out the + it will be interpreted as: A OR NOT B

Nesting and Grouping





( )

You can group multiple terms into brackets


(large | big) + (car | vehicle)


( () )

You can nest brackets


((large | big) + (car | vehicle)) | truck

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