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Translation Support
Kevin Yang avatar
Written by Kevin Yang
Updated over 5 months ago

Ipiphany supports automated translation to English of verbatim text from over 100 languages

The following features enable you to maximise control and visibility of the translation process:

  • Two translation modes: Translate and Filter

  • Translation can optionally be enabled at Account and Dataset levels

  • Filter and report on the original Verbatim Language

  • View or download the original Verbatim text along with translated English

Supported Languages

Over 100 languages are supported via a Google Translate integration.

You can view the full list at:

Enabling Translation for your Account

Before Translation can be used within your account it must first be enabled.

You can see the current status under the Account Settings screen

Please contact your Account Manager to enable Translation for your Account.

Applying Translation Options during Import

Three translation options exist at the Account and Dataset levels:

  1. Translate - Automatically translate non-english verbatim into English

  2. Filter - Filter out non-english verbatim

  3. Disabled - Disable language detection and translation

When creating a new dataset you can select the Translation Mode for the individual dataset on the Review & Confirm screen.

If you select the Translate or Filter Mode are selected then the following process is followed during the import process:

  1. Ipiphany uses AI to determine if each verbatim is in English or not

  2. If a non-english Verbatim is detected then the action taken depends on the Translation mode.
    - If the Mode=Translate - then Ipiphany will attempt to translate the verbatim to English. If it is unable to translate the verbatim (e.g. unsupported or unidentifiable language) then the verbatim will be set to blank
    - If the Mode=Filter then the verbatim will be set to blank

  3. If all the English versions of the verbatim are blank (after translation/filtering) then the record is filtered out and reported under 'Errors' in the Error Report

  4. If only some of the verbatims are filtered out but the record is retained, then the record will be reported under the 'Warnings' sheet

Tip: You can change the Translate Mode setting for an existing dataset at a later stage on the Dataset Settings screen.

Viewing the Original Language and Verbatim Text

After you have imported data with Translate enabled there are a number of ways you can view the original Language and Verbatim text

Viewing an individual verbatim

When viewing Examples on the RHS panel, if the original verbatin was in a non-English language, then that Language name will be displayed. If you can click on Language then you can view the original untranslated text

Also you can choose to display the source Language by default with each verbatim example by selecting Verbatim Language in the Display Fields

Exporting Examples or Records

If Translation is enabled for your Dataset, then the Original Language and untranslated Verbatim Text will be included as additional columns when exporting data.

Querying based on Language

If Translation is enabled for your Dataset, then you can select Verbatim Language when defining filters or reporting dimensions.

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