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Field Types

Information about the different dataset field types available when creating a dataset

Kevin Yang avatar
Written by Kevin Yang
Updated over a week ago

Categorical - Fields containing categories, e.g. Team
Date -
Fields containing dates. Note the date format will automatically be selected. Click the cog symbol to see the format and set the date as the default date used for analysis.
Numerical - Number -
Fields containing numbers. Switch between integers and decimals by using the cog.
Numerical - Score (0-10) -
Fields containing Scores from 0 to 10.
Numerical - NPS -
Fields containing Net Promoter Scores (or Experience Scores). Will have the NPS function available when using this field type when creating a metric.
Verbatim Text -
Free text fields, generally customer comments. Text Analytics is performed on these fields.
Other -
Any other field.

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