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January 31, 2018 - Sunburst Chart and Inspecting Themes
January 31, 2018 - Sunburst Chart and Inspecting Themes
Kevin Yang avatar
Written by Kevin Yang
Updated over 7 years ago

Sunburst Chart

The 'Sunburst' chart type is now available in Snapshot.

Use this chart to display data hierarchically so that you can pinpoint where patterns diverge. For example, the concept 'Staff' may be generally positive (green) but the Sunburst chart will quickly show you that 'Staff Communication' (a child of 'Staff') is negative. Changes like this often highlight an area worth investigating.

Inspecting Themes (from anywhere)

Whenever a theme is displayed in a chart, table or filter it is now possible to
inspect it. Inspecting a theme is a great way to drill down and find out what is really going on.

There are a few ways to to this:

  • In charts, hold the ALT key and click on a theme

  • When a theme has been selected and is displayed in the preview panel, right-click it and select ย 'Inspect Theme'

Other Changes

  • Changed how date fields are handled when creating a dataset to improve reliability. The Date type cannot be selected unless all rows in a column exactly match one recognized date format. Please format your data files accordingly if you wish to use the Date field type.

  • Changed the charts in the Summary tab of the Preview Panel to be more useful when showing overall results

  • Hovering over a value in the Examples tab will now always display the name of the field that the value comes from


  • Fixed the Explain tab not showing any results when sorting by Frequency ascending

  • Fixed a situation where Theme frequency counts would not report correctly for datasets with more than 1 verbatim text field


  • Slight performance improvements to the Table and the Scatter, Trend and Network charts

  • Improved performance when inspecting a theme

Coming up next...

  • A mode in the table to show concepts grouped hierarchically

  • Narrow Themes, a new style of themes that are more specific

  • The ability to select any measure for chart axis, colour and size

If you have any questions or comments on this release or anything Ipiphany related let us know.

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