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Step 3: View & share reports
Kevin Yang avatar
Written by Kevin Yang
Updated over a week ago

Once you have created a report (or someone has shared one to you via a Report Folder) it will appear on the home screen.

3.1 - Opening a report

Clicking on a report in the home screen will open it and display the Insights Tool in View Mode. This screen represents the findings of a report in a summary format. You can click on insights to see stats and examples of each. To edit the report use the Mode Switch ("View | Edit") to switch back to Edit mode.

3.2 - Report folders

Report folders are used in Ipiphany to organise and share reports. They are displayed at the top of the 'Reports' section of the home screen. The special report folder 'Demo Reports' will always display and cannot be changed.

3.3 - Sharing a report

Reports can only be shared via Report Folders.

  1. Add the report to a report folder by dragging it to the folder

  2. Open the report folder

  3. Click the 'Share' button

  4. Invite a specific user to view or edit the report folder

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